While we try to always maintain stock, especially for our super popular items, sometimes we run out. True, we are sad too. However, now accept pre-orders.

Pre-ordered items

  • Your patience is appreciated.
  • Out of stock item arrival dates are estimated with the best guess we can provide. It depends on our vendor and our shipper. Unfortunately we don't always know, but we track it and try to push things along.
  • Once we receive the inventory, we will box them in the order they were received, as quickly as possible. We know you're excited and want your order.
  • We cannot ship partial orders. If you would like an item we have on hand sooner than a pre-order you are waiting for, please create a secondary order. This is best for us to track your individual shipments and get what we can to you in a timely manner. Unfortunately each shipment will incur it's individual shipping fees. We like shipping it together, to save you money and it's better for the environment.
  • Shipping time is based on the shipper. Generally 1-5 days from once your boxed order is dropped at the shipper. For expedited shipping (additional fee), please contact us once you place your order and we will invoice you for the add-on. 
  • Thank you for your patience and understanding.